Sunday, July 27, 2008

Noah's 1st Birthday!

As much as I couldn't believe it when Ben turned 3, it is crazy to me that our baby Noah has turned 1. Our beautiful little boy has been with us a whole year already! We celebrated with a family party and Noah had a great time being the center of attention.
Here he is getting loved up by ... Birdie, Grandpa, Uncle Joseph, Uncle John, and Grandma Jenny.

In Korean tradition, a child's 1st birthday, or Tol, is very important. In the past, the death rate for infants was extremely high due to lack of medical information, seasonal temperature differences, and many childhood diseases. Many children died before their 1st birthdays. Therefore, this milestone was a very happy one for parents. Part of the celebration is the "Toljabee" event. The child is offered a number of objects and is allowed to grab one, and his future is predicted according to what he grabs. To celebrate Noah's Korean heritage, we performed the Toljabee ... The items were laid out before him: a knife (he will be a good cook), a ruler (he will be talented with his hands), a book (he will become a successful scholar), thread (he will live long - this is what Ben chose on his 1st birthday), and rice cakes (he will become rich - this is what Jess always pulls for). And off he went. What would he choose? The knife! We look forward to many great meals from you, Noah!

Then it was time for cake ... "Happy birthday to you!" Daddy helps blow out the candle, then Noah gets his very own cake ...
"Hmmm ..." "Interesting ..."
" You mean you can eat this stuff?!"

"I'm not sure about this 'cake' business."

And finally, in true Noah fashion, he decided it wasn't to his liking and started flinging frosting everywhere, at which point Mommy decided it was time to be all done.

Ben, on the other hand, had no problem with his cake.

Then it was time to open presents ...

"Daddy's Little Quarterback"

Yummy puppy! The Davis boys have a jam session.
Happy 1st birthday, Noah!

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