Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ben Plays Soccer ... Sort of

Ben and his playgroup friends had their first soccer game yesterday - The Sharks vs. The Crush. Jess is co-coaching with a couple of other dads. It was beyond cute to see all those munchkins out there with shirts that fell down to their socks. Most of the game was spent convincing the kiddos to get out onto the field, let alone chase after and kick the ball, but it was so much fun! Gathering around for warm-ups.
We'll have to work on that no hands thing.
"1, 2, 3, Go Sharks!"
Despite the inordinate number of adults you see on the field, this is the actual game.
Getting a little coaching from Daddy. Good game!


Lissa said...

Wish I could be there! Who all from playgroup in on the team?

Kristen said...

It's Ben, Ellie, Joseph, Carter, Drew, Kira, Ava, Jackson, Jonah, and Hannah Pomfret - we can make Gabi an honorary Shark! :)