Saturday, December 13, 2008

Planes, Trains, and Pigs

Okay, so it's really just about trains and a pig, but the planes thing sounded better. We've gotten into the holiday swing full force, and having a 3 1/2-year-old at Christmas time is the best. Everything is so exciting to Ben and he's really soaking it all in.

We went last weekend to pick out our Christmas tree. Ever since soccer, Ben's been into the "1-2-3, Go!" cheer. So, nerdy parents that we are, we had the family cheer going all the way there in the car: "1-2-3, Go Tree!" We had to convince Ben that this was the tree for us, and in the end, our little Charlie Brown decided we could take it home.
On our way home, we stopped by the post office to mail Ben and Noah's wish lists to Santa.

Later in the week Ben and I met pals Ava, Kira, and Marli at Macy's to ride Priscilla the Pink Pig (an Atlanta holiday tradition). This was Ben's first time, and he loved it. After two turns, we went inside the mall and enjoyed a hot chocolate nightcap. It was such a fun evening (Ben thought it was especially cool to be out past his bedtime)!
Today we went to see Santa, and yet again this year, the thrill of meeting Old St. Nick was mostly lost on my children. But, for the first time since he was a babe, Ben did not cry. He sat silently as Santa asked again and again what he'd like for Christmas. Finally, as it was time for us to get up, he leaned over and said quickly, "A jump rope and a violin and that's all," and he was out of there. Then, as we were waiting for our overpriced pictures to print, he sidled up to Santa again and said, "And some gummy bears in my stocking." From where we've come, this is progress! Now, Noah, he's another story ...

And, yes, the family cheer on the way to the mall: "1-2-3, Go Santa!"

For only about the 16th time this year, Ben rode the Christmas train ... such a good Daddy.

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