Monday, April 27, 2009

Great Weekend

This weekend was gorgeous! We spent a lot of time outside and, added bonus, with family. On Saturday morning, Ben and I planted a small vegetable garden -- several varieties of tomatoes and lettuce, carrots, peas, cucumbers, and a few different herbs.
The rows in the middle are where we planted seeds - anyone know if I'm supposed to mulch there also? I have high hopes for some delicious fresh veggies this summer!

Jess's family came up in the afternoon to celebrate the triplets' and Uncle Joseph's birthdays.
Hangin' on the porch.
Aunt Julie Ann's the BEST!
Birdie had to wake Noah up from his nap to get to the restaurant - sleepy boy.
Lovin' Uncle Joseph.
Coloring with Uncle John at the restaurant.
The Davis Family (extended version)

On Sunday we headed to the Inman Park Festival. We got there later in the day, but the boys had a blast riding MARTA, running around, looking at all the artwork, eating junk food, and listening to some blues tunes.
Staying hydrated (aka playing around with a water bottle).More "hydration."
Goofing around during the concert. Noah was all tuckered out on the train ride home.

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