Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eliza Goes to Washington!

Jess, Eliza, and I spent a couple of days in D.C. earlier this week. Jess was supposed to have a business meeting, but it was cancelled, so we had the whole time free to see the sights. And did we! Eliza was such a trooper. We walked that girl ALL over the city, and it was coooold. We saw the Capitol, the White House, all the monuments and memorials (6 to be exact), and a ton of museums (6 to be exact).

With a Renoir at the National Gallery of Art.
At the gates of the White House. They were getting ready for Chinese President Hu's visit.
Washington Monument. These pics crack me up. We have a bunch of them at various historical landmarks - her sleeping in her stroller - just for the sake of capturing the fact that she was there.

Vietnam War Memorial Wall.
Eliza and I on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was neat to be there on MLK Day.

Jefferson Memorial
Smithsonian Natural History Museum
And there was no shortage of fun back home for the boys with Aunt Julie Ann. Thanks, Aunt Julie, for taking such good care of them!

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