Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Sports

Every Sunday afternoon this fall, Jess and I have been splitting up to take the boys to baseball and soccer.  Jess helps coach Ben's baseball team, while I head to soccer with Noah.  To say that Ben is baseball obsessed would be an understatement.  Any opportunity there is for extra batting practice, player clinics, or just playing catch in the yard (even playing "pretend baseball" when he doesn't have a ball or bat), he's there.

 One of the highlights of Jess's week is taking Ben to dinner after practice on Thursday nights.  Just one-on-one time where they get to talk about school, sports, whatever.  Before practice the other night, Ben asked Jess if they were going to dinner afteward.  When Jess said yes, Ben replied, "Good!  I love just sitting and talking with you."  Doesn't get any better.
And while Ben's at the ballpark, Noah's ripping it up on the soccer field.

We've really stressed that we don't care if he scores any goals or if his team wins, we just want him to have fun and try his hardest.  This season he's really doing both those things - so proud of him!

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