Friday, October 5, 2012


We've got lots to catch up on! There's been baseball and soccer and soapbox derby and camping trip (and lions, and tigers, and bears ... oh wait). But for now I just wanted to share these pics from September that make my heart crazy happy. Everyday moments of these kiddos genuinely enjoying each other's company. What strong friends they've become. Fights? You betcha. But lots and lots of laughter and love too. Important for me to remember when I feel like I've been nothing but a referee all day. There's a special connection among siblings, and it's so fun catching glimpses of it on camera.
 Everyone should run errands with 3 masked bandits and a roll of wrapping paper, no?
 Jess and I were asked to sit at another table.  I love that we weren't a welcome part of this kid convo.
 Yep.  That's the roof of the car.

 Doesn't everyone do art in the nude?
Or a butterfly costume?  The best part is that Ben and Noah are completely unfazed.
I mean.  Be still my heart.

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