Wednesday, May 1, 2013

That's My Girl

Despite Eliza's 2-year-old stubbornness, angst, irrationality, and overall craziness, she really does have my heart ... and my back.  Most recent case in point:
She and I were finishing up our weekly grocery trip, standing at the cash register, while she and the bagger exchanged their usual pleasantries:
"Hi, how are you?"
"How old are you?"
"Did you help Mommy shop today?"
When I'd paid and started to push the cart away, Eliza dramatically pointed to the bagger and screamed, with the volume and urgency of someone who was about to be hit by a car, "YOU FORGOT THE WIIINE!!!"  I turned around and, indeed, there sat my bottle of wine in its brown paper bag, overlooked and left behind.  I realize that many (perhaps most) moms would have shrunk in horror that their 2-year-old had shrieked such a thing in public.  But nope, not this mama.  I cupped her little face in my hands, kissed her cheek, said "thank you," and went back and picked up my almost-abandoned bottle of wine.  God love that little girl.

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